Nutrition In The News
Nutrition in the News is the place to come for timely articles and research on topics that are important regarding the food, diet, and how foods affect our health in both positive and negative ways. Check back often for the latest news in food, nutrition, and health.
Artificial Sweeteners May Encourage Fat Production
Researchers say the sugar substitutes may hinder metabolism, leading to quicker fat production in some people's bodies... ( read more )
The Saltiest Foods May Surprise You
THURSDAY, March 30, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- You probably know that Americans consume way too much salt, but a new U.S. government report points the finger at some surprising sources of salt in the diet....( read more )
Fruits and vegetables' latest superpower? Lowering blood pressure
Dietary potassium linked with lower blood pressure... ( read more )
Early-life BPA exposure reprograms gene expression linked to fatty liver disease
Exposure during infancy to the common plasticizer bisphenol A (BPA) "hijacks" and reprograms genes in the liver of newborn rats, leading to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in adulthood. A new study has found how this process occurs... ( read more )
Restaurants lag in efforts to improve health of children’s menus
Despite promises by restaurants to make children’s menus healthier, an analysis of the nutritional content of more than 4,000 kids’ menu items from across the U.S. has found not much has changed, according to a study by a Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health researcher and colleagues... ( read more )
Cooking family meals, skipping TV during those meals linked to lower odds of obesity
Adults who don’t flip on the TV during dinner and those who eat home-cooked meals are less likely to be obese, a new study has found. But the frequency of family meals doesn’t appear to make much of a difference... ( read more )

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